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Call for Papers: Journal of Constitutional Studies | Volume I, Issue I: Submit Abstract by Sep 24

The Journal of Constitutional Studies is inviting submissions for its inaugural issue. Academicians, researchers, practitioners, and students are encouraged to submit abstracts for their research papers by September 24th.

Call for Papers: Journal of Constitutional Studies | Volume I, Issue I: Submit Abstract by Sep 24
Journal of Constitutional Studies

About JCS

The Journal of Constitutional Studies is an academic publication that aims to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and advocates to explore and analyse issues related to constitutional law. It aims at advancing the understanding and discourse surrounding constitutional law and theory. With a global perspective, JCS aims to foster critical analysis, and informed dialogue on constitutional issues that shape the foundations of governance in diverse societies. The journal is committed to providing a platform for rigorous academic research, insightful commentary, and practical applications in the field of constitutional studies.

JCS is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. It is published half yearly, with each issue featuring articles, essays, book reviews, and commentaries by students, academicians, faculty members, constitutional law experts and other. 

The primary objectives of the Journal of Constitutional Studies are:

  • To Foster Academic Research

  • To Engage with Contemporary Constitutional issues

About Call for Papers

The Editorial Board is pleased to invite submissions from academics, researchers, practitioners, and students. The journal is published biannually, with special issues dedicated to specific themes or emerging areas of constitutional discourse.


The Journal of Constitutional Studies encompasses a wide range of topics within constitutional law and theory, including but not limited to:

  1. Constitutional Theory and Philosophy

  2. Constitutional Adjudication and Interpretation

  3. Constitutionalism and Democracy

  4. Human Rights and Constitutional Law

  5. Federalism and Decentralization

  6. Comparative Constitutional Law

  7. Human Rights and Constitutional Protections

  8. Constitutional Interpretation and Adjudication

  9. Federalism and Governance Structures

  10. Constitutionalism In Emerging Democracies

  11. Constitutional History and Evolution

  12. Constitutionalism and Technology

  13. Constitutional Rights and Social Justice

  14. Constitutionalism and Cultural Pluralism

Submission Guidelines

The authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines:

  • All the submissions must accompany an abstract of not more than 300 words.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been before another journal for consideration.

  • The submission should only be mailed in either file format, i.e., .doc OR .docx. No other format shall be accepted.

  • All submissions should be sent with a separate cover letter indicating the following: 

    • Name of the Author(s), 

    • Institutional Affiliation,

    • Email address

    • Contact Number (preferably WhatsApp) and,

    • The topic of the paper.

  • A maximum of two authors is allowed. Co-authored paper should give the aforementioned details about both authors.

  • The authors shall strictly adhere to the ILI Citation format for reference.

  • The Author must send a duly signed and dated copy of Annexure 1, along with the submission.

  • Plagiarism up to a maximum of 15% is permitted.

  • Submit your abstract to with all the relevant details.

Types of Submissions

  • Short Articles: 3,000 words – 5,000 words

  • Long Articles: 5,000 – 8,000 words

  • Legislative and Case Notes: 2,000 – 4,000 words

  • Book Reviews: 2,000 – 4,000 words

Formatting Guidelines

For Articles

  1. Footnotes 

    1. Font: Palatino Linotype

    2. Font size: 10

    3. Line spacing: 1.0

  2. Main Body

    1. Font: Palatino Linotype

    2. Font size: 12

    3. Line Space: 1.5 

  3. Each heading is required to have a structure that is consistent throughout.

  4. The authors shall strictly adhere to the ILI Citation format for reference.

  5. Only .doc/.docx format is allowed file format for any articles. 

  6. The following are the suggested sections to be included in the manuscript:

    1. Title page

    2. Abstract

    3. Keywords

    4. Introduction

    5. Research & Analysis divided into various chapters. 

    6. Conclusion and Suggestions

    7. References

For Legislative and Case Notes

  1. Case Name & Citation

  2. Index of Authorities (list of cases referred with page numbers)

  3. Head Notes

  4. Primary Details of the Case

    1. General Details (like Court Name, Case Number, etc.) 

    2. Specific Details (case-specific details like witnesses in a criminal case)

    3. Prosecution Witnesses (list of names of the witnesses)

    4. Defence Witnesses (list of names of the witnesses)

  5. Brief facts of the Case

  6. Issues raised in the Case (as stated in judgment – questions of law) 

  7. Arguments Advanced by the Parties

  8. Judgement (Analysis by the Judge on each issue)

    1. Ratio Decidendi (issue-wise)

    2. Analysing Issue No. 1

    3. Analysing Issue No. 2

    4. Obitur Dictum (opinion of judges which is material for the interpretation of the judgment, or any remarkable statement made by Hon’ble Judges)


  1. Author’s Comment

  2. Judgements Overruled / Surpassed (Partly or Wholly) (if any), (mention about the judgment which overruled the judgment being analysed)


  • Sources referred for commentary (in bullet points as per the ILI citation format

  • Important Cases or Cases Referred.

Publication Policy

  • All the submissions should be original and authentic work of the author.

  • The Editorial Board will follow the Peer-Review policy for deciding upon the publication of the submissions.

  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject or edit any article if found unsuitable for public consumption. 

  • An article may also be rejected if the Board deems that it might harm the political or religious sensitivity of interested readers in any manner.

  • Any one author is supposed to send a self-attested copyright declaration form stating the originality of the paper and transferring consent of publication in the JCS.

  • Paper once published in JCS, the author cannot republish the same work in any other journal or self-publish without the consent of JCS.

Contact Information

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